templates/reset_password/request.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'security.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}Réinitialiser le mot de passe{% endblock %}
  3. {% block content %}
  4.     <div {{ stimulus_controller('security--resetPassword') }}>
  5.         {{ form_start(requestForm, {'attr':{'class':'form w-100','novalidate':'novalidate','data-security--resetPassword-target':'requestForm'}}) }}
  6.         <div class="refonte-login custom-card-body bg-body rounded p-10 p-lg-15 mx-auto">
  7.             <div class="mb-5 container-logo ">
  8.                 <a href="{{ path('app_login') }}">
  9.                     {% if company is defined and company is not null and company.logoName is not null %}
  10.                         <img style="max-width: 192px;height: auto;max-height: 75px;" width="auto" src="{{ asset('/uploads/images/company/') }}{{ company.logoName }}" class="app-logo" alt="my flow logo">
  11.                     {% else %}
  12.                         <img src="{{ asset('build/media/logo-myflow.png') }}" class="app-logo" alt="my flow logo" width="192"><br>
  13.                             <span class="slogan">More than just a marketplace</span>
  14.                     {% endif %}
  15.                 </a>
  16.                 <svg width="28" height="28" viewbox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  17.                     <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1_42)">
  18.                         <path d="M28 14.1058L18.5578 18.7662L14.0031 28L9.30844 18.48L0 13.8911L9.44222 9.23067L14.0031 0L18.6978 9.51689L28 14.1058Z" fill="#F676BD" fill-opacity="0.42"/>
  19.                     </g>
  20.                     <defs>
  21.                         <clipPath id="clip0_1_42">
  22.                             <rect width="28" height="28" fill="white"/>
  23.                         </clipPath>
  24.                     </defs>
  25.                 </svg>
  26.                 <h1 class="color-second">Mot de passe oublié ?
  27.                 </h1>
  28.                 <p class="color-second">Entrez votre adresse email pour<br/> réinitialiser votre mot de passe</p>
  29.             </div>
  30.             {# <div class="text-center mb-10">
  31.                 <h1 class="titillium-web-bold text-dark mb-3">Mot de passe oublié ?</h1>
  32.                 <div class="text-gray-400 fw-bold fs-4">Entrez votre adresse email pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe</div>
  33.             </div> #}
  34.             <div class="fv-row mb-10 position-center form-login" style="flex-direction: column;margin: auto;align-items: center;text-align: center;">
  35.                 {{ form_widget(requestForm.email, {'attr':{'class': requestForm.email.vars.errors|length ? 'form-control is-invalid custom-input-size':'form-control custom-input-size'}}) }}
  36.                 {{ form_errors(requestForm.email) }}
  37.             </div>
  38.             <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center pb-lg-0">
  39.                 <button type="button" id="kt_password_reset_submit" class="titillium-web-bold btn btn-lg btn-primary-custom fw-bolder me-4" {{ stimulus_action('security--resetPassword', 'submitRequestForm') }}>
  40.                     <span class="indicator-label">Soumettre</span>
  41.                     <span class="indicator-progress">Envoi en cours...
  42.                     <span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm align-middle ms-2"></span>
  43.                 </span>
  44.                 </button>
  45.                 <a href="{{ path('app_login') }}" class="titillium-web-bold btn btn-lg btn-light-primary fw-bolder">Annuler</a>
  46.             </div>
  47.             {{ form_end(requestForm) }}
  48.         </div>
  49.     </div>
  50. {% endblock %}